Objective B
Through responding to and composing a wide range of texts and through the close study of texts, students will develop knowledge, understanding and skills in order to use language to shape and make meaning according to purpose, audience and context
Speaking and Listening 2
Outcome: A student recognises that there are different kinds of spoken texts with specific language features and shows an emerging awareness of some purposes for spoken language
Content Description:
Related Ziptales Activities:
Students: Develop and apply contextual knowledge
- explore how language is used differently at home and school depending on the relationships between people (ACELA1428)
- Specialised English Lesson Oral Language Module: Asking Questions (Foundation) Asking Nicely
- Study the dialogue used by the characters in The Three Little Blackbirds and The Amazing Ape to springboard discussion about how language varies according to the relationships between people (Developing Literacy - Easy Readers)
- understand that language can be used to explore ways of expressing needs, likes and dislikes (ACELA1429)
- Specialised English Lesson Oral Language Module: Expressing Opinions (Foundation) Likes and Dislikes
- Explore how characters’ emotions are conveyed via visual representations in the Easy Readers stories e.g. Is it Fun? (Developing Literacy)
Understand and apply knowledge of language forms and features
- understand the use of vocabulary in familiar contexts related to everyday experiences, personal interests and topics taught at school (ACELA1437)
- Specialised English Lesson Reading Module: Vocabulary Expansion (Foundation) Word Brainstorm
- Build on familiar vocabulary using the Easy Readers e.g. At the Playground – Brainstorm equipment that can be found at a playground; Discuss meanings of new vocabulary e.g. The Awful Animal Zoo – awful, gnaw & fawn (Developing Literacy)
Respond to and compose texts
- use music and/or actions to enhance the enjoyment and understanding of rhymes, poems, chants and songs
- Use music and/or actions to enhance the enjoyment of the Easy Readers Short Vowel stories and the nursery rhymes from the Specialised English Lesson Reading Module: Studying Poetry (Foundation) Nursery Rhymes (Developing Literacy)
Writing and Representing 2
Outcome: A student recognises some different purposes for writing and that own texts differ in various ways
Content Description:
Related Ziptales Activities:
Students: Develop and apply contextual knowledge
- understand that texts can take many forms, can be very short (for example an exit sign) or quite long (for example an information book or a film) and that stories and informative texts have different purposes (ACELA1430)
- Specialised English Lesson Writing Module: Text Types (Foundation) Words Are Everywhere
- Identify Wendy and the Pirate as a text that ‘tells a story’ and the map in the story as a text that ‘gives information’ (Storytime - Developing Literacy)
Understand and apply knowledge of language forms and features
- understand that some language in written texts is unlike everyday spoken language (ACELA1431)
- Specialised English Lesson Writing Module: Organising Texts (Foundation) What’s on a Page?
- View the Storytime stories identifying the words in the speech bubbles as the written form of what the characters are saying (Developing Literacy)
- identify some differences between imaginative and informative texts (ACELY1648)
- Specialised English Lesson Reading Module: Research Skills (Foundation) How Books can Help Us
- Identify the story Bob the Frog as an imaginative text. Brainstorm five facts about frogs and compare texts that are ‘real’ and texts that are ‘imagined’ (Easy Readers - Developing Literacy )
Respond to and compose texts
- compose texts using drawings and other visual media to create meaning
- Use drawings to create visual story-maps of selected Easy Readers and/or Storytime stories. (Developing Literacy)
Reading and Viewing 2
Outcome: A student demonstrates emerging skills and knowledge of texts to read and view, and shows developing awareness of purpose, audience and subject matter
Content Description:
Related Ziptales Activities:
Students: Develop and apply contextual knowledge
- identify some familiar texts and the contexts in which they are used (ACELY1645)
- Specialised English Lesson Writing Module: Text Types (Foundation) Words Are Everywhere
- Discuss how symbols can be used in texts e.g. X marks the spot on the map in Wendy and the Pirate (Developing Literacy - Storytime)
Understand and apply knowledge of language forms and features
- explore the different contribution of words and images to meaning in stories and informative texts (ACELA1786)
- Specialised English Lesson Reading Module: Visual Literacy (Foundation) Using Pictures in Stories
- View the Storytime stories to study how print and images combine to tell the story (Developing Literacy)
- identify some features of texts including events and characters and retell events from a text (ACELT1578)
- Specialised English Lesson Writing Module: Language Features (Foundation) Characters in Stories
- Retell events from relevant Easy Readers e.g. Bad Cat: What bad things did Max the cat do?; Let’s Get Wet – How did Ned and Ted like to get wet?; Bob the Frog: What happened to Bob the Frog to make him feel odd? (Developing Literacy)
Respond to, read and view texts
- engage with shared stories and join in shared book activities on familiar and imaginary books
- explore sequencing of a story, focusing on the beginning, middle and end and recognise cultural patterns of storytelling, eg 'Once upon a time', the Dreaming
- select simple print, visual and/or digital texts to read independently for enjoyment and pleasure
- Engage with shared stories using the Easy Readers, Storytime stories and Puppet Plays (Developing Literacy)
- Explore story sequencing and the cultural patterns of storytelling e.g. ‘Once upon a time’ using the fairy tales in Storytime (Developing Literacy)
- Select digital texts from the Easy Readers to read independently for enjoyment and pleasure (Developing Literacy)
Grammar, punctuation and vocabulary
Outcome: A student demonstrates developing skills and knowledge in grammar, punctuation and vocabulary when responding to and composing texts
Content Description:
Related Ziptales Activities:
Students: Develop and apply contextual knowledge
- show a growing awareness of words that enrich their vocabulary
- Specialised English Lesson Reading Module: Vocabulary Expansion (Foundation) Word Brainstorm
Understand and apply knowledge of language forms and features
- recognise that texts are made up of words and groups of words that make meaning (ACELA1434)
- Specialised English Lesson Writing Module: Organising Texts (Foundation) What’s on a Page?
- Use the Easy Readers to identify the difference between the words and the images in the text (Developing Literacy)
- recognise that sentences are key units for expressing ideas (ACELA1435)
- Specialised English Lesson Writing Module: Grammar (Foundation) What is a Sentence?
- Demonstrate that word order adds meaning to a sentence by exchanging key words in a Storytime story e.g. The Billy Goats Gruff – ‘They lived on the grass and ate the mountain’ (Developing Literacy)
- understand that punctuation is a feature of written text different from letters; recognise how capital letters are used for names, and that capital letters and full stops signal the beginning and end of sentences (ACELA1432)
- Specialised English Lesson Writing Module: Punctuation (Foundation) How to Write Sentences
- Examine the use of capital letters and full stops in the Easy Readers and Storytime stories (Developing Literacy)
Understand and apply knowledge of vocabulary
- know the meaning of commonly used words
- Improve knowledge of the meaning of commonly used words using the Writing Focus worksheets for the Easy Readers stories Bob the Frog, Play All Day and The Three Little Blackbirds (Developing Literacy)
Respond to and compose texts
- compose effective sentences in writing using appropriate word order
- begin to use statements and questions with appropriate punctuation
- Practise composing effective sentences using appropriate word order and punctuation using the Writing Focus worksheet for the Easy Readers Short Vowel story Let’s Get Wet. Extend students by asking them to compose questions about the story. (Developing Literacy)