New South Wales Curriculum - Early Stage 1

Objective A
Objective B
Objective C
Objective D
Objective E

Objective A

Through responding to and composing a wide range of texts and through the close study of texts, students will develop knowledge, understanding and skills in order to communicate through speaking, listening, reading, writing, viewing and representing.

Speaking and Listening 1

Outcome: A student communicates with peers and known adults in informal and guided activities demonstrating emerging skills of group interaction

Content Description:

Related Ziptales Activities:

Students: Develop and apply contextual knowledge

  • understand that English is one of many languages spoken in Australia and that different languages may be spoken by family, classmates and community (ACELA1426)

Understand and apply knowledge of language forms and features

  • replicate the rhythms and sound patterns in stories, rhymes, songs and poems from a range of cultures (ACELT1579)

Respond to and compose texts

  • use interaction skills including listening while others speak, using appropriate voice levels, articulation and body language, gestures and eye contact (ACELY1784)

  • listen to and respond orally to texts and to the communication of others in informal and structured classroom situations (ACELY1646)

  • deliver short oral presentations to peers (ACELY1647)

Writing and Representing 1

Outcome: A student composes simple texts to convey an idea or message

Content Description:

Related Ziptales Activities:

Students: Develop and apply contextual knowledge

  • drawing on their experience of language and texts, begin to understand that writing and representing can be used to convey an idea or message

Understand and apply knowledge of language forms and features

  • know that spoken sounds and words can be written down using letters of the alphabet and how to write some high-frequency sight words and known words (ACELA1758)

Respond to and compose texts

  • create short texts to explore, record and report ideas and events using familiar words and beginning writing knowledge (ACELY1651)

  • participate in shared editing of students' own texts for meaning, spelling, capital letters and full stops (ACELY1652)

Handwriting and using digital technologies

Outcome: A student produces most lower case and upper case letters and uses digital technologies to construct texts

Content Description:

Related Ziptales Activities:

Students: Develop and apply contextual knowledge

  • demonstrate a growing understanding that handwriting and presentation of work needs to reflect audience and purpose in order to communicate effectively
  • Use the Easy Readers Writing Focus worksheets to grow students’ understanding that presentation of work needs to reflect the audience and purpose. (Developing Literacy)

Understand and apply knowledge of language forms and features

  • begin to understand the sequence of letters through structured and guided activities

Respond to and compose texts

  • produce some lower case and upper case letters using learned letter formations (ACELY1653)
  • View the Learn the ABC modules to reinforce knowledge of the correct formation of letters and use the associated worksheets to provide opportunities for students to practise the learned letter formations (Developing Literacy)

  • construct texts using software including word processing programs (ACELY1654)

Reading and Viewing 1

Outcome: A student demonstrates developing skills and strategies to read, view and comprehend short, predictable texts on familiar topics in different media and technologies

Content Description:

Related Ziptales Activities:

Students: Develop and apply contextual knowledge

  • identify some familiar written symbols in context, eg logos, computer icons and commands, labels of packages, signs

  • identify and compare similar ideas, characters and settings in texts

Understand and apply knowledge of language forms and features

  • understand concepts about print and screen, including how books, film and simple digital texts work, and know some features of print, for example directionality (ACELA1433)

  • recognise the letters of the alphabet and know there are lower and upper case letters (ACELA1440)

Develop and apply phonemic knowledge

  • recognise rhymes, syllables and sounds (phonemes) in spoken words (ACELA1439)

Develop and apply graphological, phonological, syntactic and semantic knowledge

  • use phonological strategies when reading, including letter–sound relationships
  • use knowledge of letters and sounds to decode words, including those in initial, final and medial positions
  • manipulate letters to assist reading, eg delete an onset to make a new word, delete a rime to say an onset

Respond to, read and view texts

  • read predictable texts, practising phrasing and fluency, and monitor meaning using concepts about print and emerging contextual, semantic, grammatical and phonic knowledge (ACELY1649)

  • use comprehension strategies to understand and discuss texts listened to, viewed or read independently (ACELY1650)


Outcome: A student demonstrates developing skills in using letters, simple sound blends and some sight words to represent known words when spelling

Content Description:

Related Ziptales Activities:

Students: Develop and apply contextual knowledge

  • understand that initial approximations can lead to correct formal spelling
  • Ask students to separate the letters in the focus words for the Easy Readers short vowel stories and record them to show how approximations can lead to correct spelling e.g. Bad Cat: b-a-d, c-a-t, d-a-d.

Understand and apply knowledge of language forms and features

  • know how to use onset and rime to spell words (ACELA1438)

Respond to and compose texts

  • use approximations and some conventional spelling
  • attempt to spell unknown words using simple strategies, eg segmenting
  • spell some common words accurately in their own writing
  • Use the Writing Focus Worksheets for the Easy Readers to provide opportunities for students to use approximations, attempt to spell unknown words and spell some common words accurately in their own writing. (Developing Literacy)

Objective B

Through responding to and composing a wide range of texts and through the close study of texts, students will develop knowledge, understanding and skills in order to use language to shape and make meaning according to purpose, audience and context

Speaking and Listening 2

Outcome: A student recognises that there are different kinds of spoken texts with specific language features and shows an emerging awareness of some purposes for spoken language

Content Description:

Related Ziptales Activities:

Students: Develop and apply contextual knowledge

  • explore how language is used differently at home and school depending on the relationships between people (ACELA1428)

  • understand that language can be used to explore ways of expressing needs, likes and dislikes (ACELA1429)

Understand and apply knowledge of language forms and features

  • understand the use of vocabulary in familiar contexts related to everyday experiences, personal interests and topics taught at school (ACELA1437)

Respond to and compose texts

  • use music and/or actions to enhance the enjoyment and understanding of rhymes, poems, chants and songs

Writing and Representing 2

Outcome: A student recognises some different purposes for writing and that own texts differ in various ways

Content Description:

Related Ziptales Activities:

Students: Develop and apply contextual knowledge

  • understand that texts can take many forms, can be very short (for example an exit sign) or quite long (for example an information book or a film) and that stories and informative texts have different purposes (ACELA1430)

Understand and apply knowledge of language forms and features

  • understand that some language in written texts is unlike everyday spoken language (ACELA1431)

  • identify some differences between imaginative and informative texts (ACELY1648)

Respond to and compose texts

  • compose texts using drawings and other visual media to create meaning

Reading and Viewing 2

Outcome: A student demonstrates emerging skills and knowledge of texts to read and view, and shows developing awareness of purpose, audience and subject matter

Content Description:

Related Ziptales Activities:

Students: Develop and apply contextual knowledge

  • identify some familiar texts and the contexts in which they are used (ACELY1645)

Understand and apply knowledge of language forms and features

  • explore the different contribution of words and images to meaning in stories and informative texts (ACELA1786)

  • identify some features of texts including events and characters and retell events from a text (ACELT1578)

Respond to, read and view texts

  • engage with shared stories and join in shared book activities on familiar and imaginary books
  • explore sequencing of a story, focusing on the beginning, middle and end and recognise cultural patterns of storytelling, eg 'Once upon a time', the Dreaming
  • select simple print, visual and/or digital texts to read independently for enjoyment and pleasure

Grammar, punctuation and vocabulary

Outcome: A student demonstrates developing skills and knowledge in grammar, punctuation and vocabulary when responding to and composing texts

Content Description:

Related Ziptales Activities:

Students: Develop and apply contextual knowledge

  • show a growing awareness of words that enrich their vocabulary

Understand and apply knowledge of language forms and features

  • recognise that texts are made up of words and groups of words that make meaning (ACELA1434)

  • recognise that sentences are key units for expressing ideas (ACELA1435)

  • understand that punctuation is a feature of written text different from letters; recognise how capital letters are used for names, and that capital letters and full stops signal the beginning and end of sentences (ACELA1432)

Understand and apply knowledge of vocabulary

  • know the meaning of commonly used words

Respond to and compose texts

  • compose effective sentences in writing using appropriate word order
  • begin to use statements and questions with appropriate punctuation
  • Practise composing effective sentences using appropriate word order and punctuation using the Writing Focus worksheet for the Easy Readers Short Vowel story Let’s Get Wet. Extend students by asking them to compose questions about the story. (Developing Literacy)

Objective C

Through responding to and composing a wide range of texts and through the close study of texts, students will develop knowledge, understanding and skills in order to think in ways that are imaginative, creative, interpretive and critical.

Thinking imaginatively and creatively

Outcome: A student thinks imaginatively and creatively about familiar topics, simple ideas and the basic features of texts when responding to and composing texts

Content Description:

Related Ziptales Activities:

Students:Engage personally with texts

  • respond to texts, identifying favourite stories, authors and illustrators (ACELT1577)

Develop and apply contextual knowledge

  • engage with and appreciate the imaginative use of language through storytelling

Understand and apply knowledge of language forms and features

  • recognise some different types of literary texts and identify some characteristic features of literary texts, for example beginnings and endings of traditional texts and rhyme in poetry (ACELT1785)

Respond to and compose texts

  • retell familiar literary texts through performance, use of illustrations and images (ACELT1580)

  • share feelings and thoughts about the events and characters in texts (ACELT1783)

Objective D

Through responding to and composing a wide range of texts and through the close study of texts, students will develop knowledge, understanding and skills in order to express themselves and their relationships with others and their world.

Expressing themselves

Outcome: A student responds to and composes simple texts about familiar aspects of the world and their own experiences

Content Description:

Related Ziptales Activities:

Students:Engage personally with texts

  • share responses to aspects of a text that relate to their own life
  • engage with a variety of simple texts and begin to understand that readers draw on their own knowledge to make meaning and enhance enjoyment

Develop and apply contextual knowledge

  • recognise that texts are created by authors who tell stories and share experiences that may be similar or different to students' own experiences (ACELT1575)

Understand and apply knowledge of language forms and features

  • understand that language can be used to describe likes and dislikes

Respond to and compose texts

  • compare and connect own experiences to those depicted in stories

Objective E

Through responding to and composing a wide range of texts and through the close study of texts, students will develop knowledge, understanding and skills in order to learn and reflect on their learning through their study of English

Reflecting on learning

Outcome: A student demonstrates awareness of how to reflect on aspects of their own and others’ learning

Content Description:

Related Ziptales Activities:

Students:Develop and apply contextual knowledge

  • develop a growing understanding of how a rich text environment underpins learning

Understand and apply knowledge of language forms and features

  • develop an appreciation for books, poetry and song and the importance of narrative

Respond to and compose texts

  • discuss what it means to be a cooperative group member

  • discuss likes and dislikes after reading texts

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