New Zealand Curriculum - Level 1

Listening, Reading, and Viewing
Speaking, Writing, Presenting

Processes and strategies

Students will: acquire and begin to use sources of information, processes, and strategies to identify, form, and express ideas.


Related Ziptales Activities:

Selects and reads texts for enjoyment and personal fulfilment;

Has an awareness of the connections between oral, written, and visual language;

Uses sources of information (meaning, structure, visual and grapho-phonic information) and prior knowledge to make sense of a range of texts;

Associates sounds with letter clusters as well as with individual letters;

  • View the Learning the ABC modules and worksheets to assist students to associate sounds with individual letters.
  • Use the phonic-based Easy Readers stories and worksheets to help students identify specific sounds of individual letters (e.g. short vowel sounds) and letter clusters (e.g. beginning consonant blends).

Uses processing and some comprehension strategies with some confidence;

Is developing the ability to think critically about texts;

Begins to monitor, self-evaluate, and describe progress.

  • Encourage students to independently read the Easy Readers or Junior Readers with the voiceover turned off and discuss with them how they think they are progressing with their reading skills.

Purposes and audiences

Recognise that texts are shaped for different purposes and audiences.


Related Ziptales Activities:

Identifies the purposes of simple texts;

Evaluates the usefulness of simple texts.


Recognise and identify ideas within and across texts.


Related Ziptales Activities:

Understands that personal experience can influence the meaning gained from texts;

Makes meaning of texts by identifying ideas in some texts.

Language features

Recognise and begin to understand how language features are used for effect within and across texts.


Related Ziptales Activities:

Begins to recognise that oral, written, and visual language features can be used for effect;

Recognises a large bank of high-frequency and some topic-specific words;

Shows some knowledge of the text conventions, such as capital letters, full stops, and word order; volume and clarity; and simple symbols.


Recognise and begin to understand text structures.


Related Ziptales Activities:

Understands that the order and organisation of words, sentences, and images contribute to text meaning;

Recognises some text forms and some differences between them.

Processes and strategies

Students will: Acquire and begin to use sources of information, processes, and strategies to identify, form, and express ideas.


Related Ziptales Activities:

Has an awareness of the connections between oral, written, and visual language when creating texts;

Creates texts by using meaning, structure, visual and grapho-phonic sources of information, prior knowledge, and some processing strategies with some confidence;

Seeks feedback and makes changes to texts;

Is becoming reflective about the production of own texts;

Begins to monitor, self-evaluate, and describe progress.

Purposes and audiences

Recognise how to shape texts for a purpose and an audience.


Related Ziptales Activities:

Constructs texts that demonstrate some awareness of purpose and audience through appropriate choice of content, language, and text form;

Expects the texts they create to be understood, responded to, and appreciated by others;

Is developing and conveying personal voice where appropriate.


Form and express ideas on a range of topics.


Related Ziptales Activities:

Forms and expresses simple ideas and information, usually drawing from personal experience and knowledge;

Begins to support ideas with some detail.

Language features

Use language features, showing some recognition of their effects.


Related Ziptales Activities:

Uses some oral, written, and visual language features to create meaning and effect;

Uses a range of high-frequency, topic-specific, and personal-content words to create meaning;

Spells some high-frequency words correctly and begins to use some common spelling patterns;

Begins to use some strategies to self-correct and monitor spelling;

Writes most letters and number forms legibly when creating texts;

Begins to gain control of text conventions such as: capital letters and full stops; some basic grammatical conventions; volume, clarity, and tone; and simple symbols.


Organise texts, using simple structures.


Related Ziptales Activities:

Uses knowledge of word and sentence order to communicate meaning in simple texts;

Begins to sequence ideas and information;

Uses simple sentences with some variation in beginnings;

May attempt compound and complex sentences.

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