Theme: Bullying

This unit takes in classic stories about bullying such as The Ugly Duckling and Cinderella, as well as more modern tales about the many effects deliberate hurt can have on its victims, at school and elsewhere, and how to deal with that.

It is vital for teachers to understand the Ziptales 10 stage Reading Scheme, which governs how reading groups can be formed in a way which matches children’s abilities to the appropriate texts. To check on this essential resource - click here.

The 10 Zip Stages cover all levels of reading ability, from Foundation/Prep/Kindergarten through to Year 6. This scheme underpins the whole Themes module.

Learning Components

Focus Stories Comprehension Conventions Writing Speaking & Listening Extension
Zip Stage 2
The Three Little Blackbirds
(Simple Digraphs -
Easy Readers)
Compare how the blackbirds acted at the beginning of the story to the end. Worksheet #1:
Word Sums
Write a list of nice things you can say if someone asks you to play with them. Act out the story to an audience. Worksheet #2:
Word Meanings
Zip Stage 2
My Big Sister
(Vowel/Consonant Digraphs -
Easy Readers)
Talk about the big sister’s behaviour, why is it not appropriate? Worksheet #1:
Syllable Sounds
Rewrite one or more parts of the story so that the big sister is being nice - not mean. Work together to complete Worksheet #2:
Making Contractions
Create a poster about the nice things your family does for you.
Zip Stage 3
The Lonely Giant
(Imaginary Worlds
Junior Readers)
Worksheet #2:
What’s the Order?
Worksheet #1:
Missing Words
Write a poem about how we are all different. Name-calling is a form of bullying. In a small group, discuss other forms of bullying. List things you can do if you see someone who looks lonely.
Zip Stage 3
Pinky the Elephant
(Imaginary Worlds
Junior Readers)
Worksheet #2:
Who and What?
Worksheet #1:
Mystery Words
Write about what happened after the story ended. Discuss why name-calling is hurtful. Present reasons to the class. Draw or list things that help people e.g. glasses, hearing aid, wheelchair.
Zip Stage 4
The Ugly Duckling
(Timeless Tales)
Multiple Choice Worksheet #2:
What Does it Mean?
Worksheet #1:
Which Word?
Write a story about an animal being teased and how it deals with this. Perform the story to an audience using the script supplied here. Trace your hand. Write 5 things you can do if you see bullying.
Zip Stage 4
(Timeless Tales)
Multiple Choice Worksheet #2:
Sequencing events
Worksheet #1:
Which Word?
Write a list of good advice you would give to Cinderella. Use the supplied script (found here) as Reader’s Theatre. Create a mind map of the nice things families do for each other.
Zip Stage 4
Danny’s New Glasses
Suggest reasons why the author included the old lady in the story. General Worksheet #1:
Know Your Nouns
General Worksheet #3:
Writing a Description
General Worksheet #4:
Bully-Free Zone
Discuss with a group.
General Worksheet #2:
Reading a Description
Zip Stage 5
A Laugh a Day
What is the main theme? What other stories have this main theme? General Worksheet #1:
Replacing Verbs
General Worksheet #4:
No Bullies Here!
General Worksheet #2:
Joking Around
Tell jokes to the class.
General Worksheet #3:
Taking Good Advice
Zip Stage 5
Who is the bully in this story? Explain your answer using evidence from the text. General Worksheet #2:
Write an imaginative or factual story about a child dealing with a class bully. Work in pairs to complete General Worksheet #1. Research and experiment with static electricity.
Zip Stage 6
Copy Frog
Explain what each animal in the story could do. Study words ending in ‘tion’ using competition as an example. Write about what happened after the story finished. General Worksheet
#1: Act like your pet or
#2: Pet survey.
Research non-verbal bullying e.g. smirking, eye rolling, pointing.
Zip Stage 6
The Fancy Dress Fiend
General Worksheet #1:
Who Wore What?
General Worksheet #3:
Mysteriously Missing Meanings
Suggest ways Brooke can make it up to her friends. General Worksheet #2:
Fancy Dress Your Friends Share responses.
Explain and compare emotional bullying to physical bullying.
Zip Stage 7
The New Girl
Describe the unlikely friendship between Jess and Kylie. Find words where the last letter is doubled for adding ‘er’ and ‘ing’. General Worksheet #1:
Welcoming Committee
Work together to complete General Worksheet #2. General Worksheet #3:
Zip Stage 7
(Fairy Tales)
General Worksheet #2:
Character Study
General Worksheet #1:
Using Commas
General Worksheet #3:
Design an Invitation
Role play a new version of the story where Cinderella stands up to her stepsisters. Explore other fairy tales where bullying is an issue.
Zip Stage 7
The Battered Bully
Summarise the events for each day and night of the camp. General Worksheet #1:
General Worksheet #2:
School Camp
Partner Activity -
List the bullying behaviour that Bradley displayed.
Research possible reasons why people bully others.
Zip Stage 7
(Children in History)
Locate evidence from the story that suggests Wally is a bully. Find 10 examples of adverbs and put them in new sentences. Worksheet #1:
Newspaper report
Worksheet #4:
Life in Australia in 1915
Worksheet #2 and/or
Worksheet #3
Zip Stage 8
Crazy Codes
General Worksheet #1:
Getting Your Facts Right
General Worksheet #3:
Words Within Words
General Worksheet #4:
Make it a Mystery!
Complete General Worksheet #2 then swap with a partner to decipher. Name-calling is a form of bullying. Research other forms of verbal bullying.
Zip Stage 8
Write a detailed description of each character in the story. General Worksheet #2:
Descriptive Words
Write a persuasive text about respecting others’ property. Partner Activity -
General Worksheet #1:
Just Desserts
Research the effects that stealing has on the community.
Zip Stage 9
The Stones
(People & Values -
Advanced Library)
Worksheet #1:
Who’s Telling this Story? (Tasks 1 & 2)
Locate examples of the different uses of the homophones your and you’re in the story Extension Activities from Worksheet #1:
OR Worksheet #2:
(2nd dot point)
Worksheet #2:
The Power of the Stone
Tasks 1 & 2
Worksheet #2:
Extension Activity
(1st dot point)
Ancient beliefs
Zip Stage 10
Getting Even
(Comedy -
Advanced Library)
Worksheet #1:
Figurative Language
Write definitions for 20 examples of abstract nouns in the story e.g. boredom, vengeance. Worksheet #2:
Inspiring Authors
Worksheet #2:
Extension Activity
(3rd dot point)
Present to an audience.
Worksheet #1:
Extension Activity
Research the legend of Faust.

Assessment Ideas

  • Generate a spelling list for students to learn using words related to non-bullying behaviour e.g. respect, kindness, patience, friendliness, tolerance, acceptance, generosity and thoughtfulness.
  • Use the Word Work and Spelling and Vocabulary Worksheets for the Reading Library genre stories to improve students’ spelling skills.
  • Write the adverb form of the nouns from the spelling list e.g. respect (noun), respectfully (adverb).
  • Select a passage from one of the on-line stories as dictation assessing knowledge of capital letters.
  • Complete the Fill the Gaps and Multiple Choice questions at the end of the story (available for the Junior Readers, Reading Library and Advanced Library genre stories).
  • Use the Learning Support Worksheets for the Reading Library genre stories to practise a range of reading skills.
  • Complete a character profile about one of the characters from the on-line stories using the sub-headings: Name, Other Family Members, Characteristics, Likes, Dislikes and My Opinion of this Character.
  • Design a sociogram showing the relationship between the characters in one of the on-line stories.
  • Write narratives using the topics:
    No More Bullies!
    How the Bully Became My Friend
    The Schoolyard Bully
  • Write a reflective recount about an experience with a bully.
  • Design an advertisement for a device that turns a bully into the friendliest kid in school.
  • Write a letter to a local newspaper about how your school combats bullying behaviour.
Oral Language
  • Discuss times when students may have been bullied and list their feelings/reactions to the experience. Identify the different forms that bullying can take eg passive bullying (ignoring someone, spreading gossip) and aggressive bullying (hitting and name-calling). In small co-operative groups, students identify ways to handle these kinds of bullying behaviours and present their suggestions to the class.
  • Role play situations that show examples of assertive behaviour when faced with bullying tactics.
Related Ziptales Activities:
  • Happy Schools – A complete suite of focussed activities on the topic of bullying is located via this link on the Developing Literacy homepage. It offers video presentations, student worksheets and additional teacher resources.
  • Puppet Plays Worksheets: Script Ideas for Puppet Plays – Puppet play #4 - A Script for Sock Puppets.

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