Theme: Friendship

This unit deals with the vital subject of relationships - making friends (both fantasy and real stories) - tales of compassionate assistance in times of need, of dealing with rivalry and negotiating solutions, of coping with bullying, and more.

It is vital for teachers to understand the Ziptales 10 stage Reading Scheme, which governs how reading groups can be formed in a way which matches children’s abilities to the appropriate texts. To check on this essential resource - click here.

The 10 Zip Stages cover all levels of reading ability, from Foundation/Prep/Kindergarten through to Year 6. This scheme underpins the whole Themes module.

Learning Components

Focus Stories Comprehension Conventions Writing Speaking & Listening Extension
Zip Stage 2
The Amazing Ape
(Long Vowels
Easy Readers)
Worksheet #1:
Rhyming Words
The letters ‘ay’ can also make a long ‘a’ sound. Make a word family of words that end in ‘ay’. Worksheet #2:
My Favourite Place
Talk about what makes someone a good friend and present responses to an audience. Draw or paint a friendly face on a paper plate.
Zip Stage 2
The Lonely Dragon
(Long Vowels
Easy Readers)
Worksheet #1:
Answering Questions
Put these adjectives from the story in new sentences: lonely, sad, mean, brave, nice, happy. Worksheet #2:
Write a Narrative
With a partner, role play different ways you can make a new friend. Draw the dragon playing with her new friends and write about what they are doing.
Zip Stage 2
Five White Mice
(Long Vowels
Easy Readers)
Worksheet #1:
Story Sequencing
Think of some words where ‘y’ makes long ‘i’ (e.g. sky, fly) and long ‘e’ (e.g. party, fairy). List all the things you like to do with your friends. Work together in a small group to complete Worksheet #2:
Write a Script
Use ideas from the story to create a poster about how to be a good friend e.g. take turns.
Zip Stage 3
Wendy and the Fairy
Multiple Choice Questions Worksheet Worksheet #1 :
Missing Words
Imagine you have a secret friend. Write a story about your adventures. Work together to complete Worksheet #2: Put the story in the right order Design an acrostic poem using the word ‘FRIENDSHIP’.
Zip Stage 3
Poor Little Rich Boy
(People Like Me
Junior Readers)
Worksheet #2:
Story Focus
Worksheet #1:
Spelling/Grammar Focus
Write about why it is important to have friends. In pairs, tell each other how you met three of your friends. Write about how Freddie felt before and after meeting Peter.
Zip Stage 3
The Lonely Giant
(Imaginary Worlds
Junior Readers)
Worksheet #2:
What’s the Order?
Worksheet #1:
Missing Words
Write a list of ways you can be a good friend to others. Act out the story to an audience. Design a poster of the things you can do if you see someone who looks lonely.
Zip Stage 4
Little Duck Wants to Play
General Worksheet #1:
Friendship Matters
General Worksheet #2:
Describing Characters
Write a poem where each line begins with the opening phrase ‘Friendship is...’ Role play the wrong and right way to react when someone asks to play with you. Creatively retell the story by designing a colourful story map.
Zip Stage 5
Loose Undies
Predict how Anna’s friends might have reacted if her undies had fallen down. Write sentences that show the difference between loose and lose. General Worksheet #1:
Uncontrollable Clothes!
Complete General Worksheet #2 then share answers with the group. Write the instructions for a game you love to play with your friends.
Zip Stage 5
The Wizard’s Staff
Suggest ways Daniel can encourage the wizard to be friendlier. General Worksheet #2:
General Worksheet #1:
Magical Imaginings
(Activity 1)
General Worksheet #1:
Magical Imaginings
(Activity 2)
Sharing is an important quality for friendship. List others.
Zip Stage 5
Is Peter Steggle a good friend? Explain your answer using evidence from the story. General Worksheet #2:
Write a recount about a time when a friend tried to help you. Conduct an experiment with a friend about static electricity. General Worksheet #1: Help Stop the Hiccups
Zip Stage 6
The Fancy Dress Fiend
General Worksheet #1:
Who Wore What?
General Worksheet #3:
Mysteriously Missing Meanings
Write an explanation text about how to make and maintain great friendships. Brooke was mean to some of her friends. Discuss ways she can make it up to them. General Worksheet #2:
Fancy Dress Your Friends
Zip Stage 6
The Happy Prince
(Graphic Classics)
Worksheet #3:
Understanding What We See
Worksheet #2:
Direct Speech is a Piece of Cake
Worksheet #4:
Same Story, Different Genres
Worksheet #1:
Newspaper Production Team
Creatively present a mini-poster about the qualities of true friends.
Zip Stage 7
Don’t Mess With Jess
General Worksheet #2:
Unlikely Friendships
General Worksheet #1:
Proper Nouns
Compose a narrative about enemies becoming friends. Where are the best places to make new friends? Present your ideas to an audience. Design a criteria chart for comparing friends’ personality traits e.g. messy/neat.
Zip Stage 7
One Wish
Classify the children’s behaviour in the story as ‘friendly’ or ‘unfriendly’. General Worksheet #1:
What happens next? Write the final chapter of the story. Survey 10 friends about what they would wish for if they met a genie. General Worksheet #2:
Making Wishes

Assessment Ideas

  • Generate a spelling list relating to the qualities of a good friend e.g. kind, trustworthy, generous, caring, friendly, supportive, reliable, honest, loyal etc.
  • Use the Word Work and Spelling and Vocabulary Worksheets for the Reading Library genre stories to improve students’ spelling skills.
  • Write synonyms and antonyms for each of the words in spelling list.
  • Select a passage from one of the on-line stories as dictation assessing use of full stops.
  • Complete the Fill the Gaps and Multiple Choice questions at the end of the story (available for the Junior Readers, Reading Library and Advanced Library genre stories).
  • Use the Learning Support Worksheets for the Reading Library stories to practise a range of reading skills.
  • Create a sociogram about one of the on-line stories describing the relationship between the characters.
  • Use characters from one or more of the on-line stories to create ‘Who Am I?’ questions.
  • Write narratives using the following topics:
    My Best Friend is an Alien!
    Friends Forever
  • Write a recount using the topic:
    The Day I Met My Best Friend
  • Write a letter to a friend explaining the reasons why they are special to you.
Oral Language
  • Compose poems about friendship and share orally with the class.
  • Role play scenarios of friendliness as compared to unfriendliness and the impact of each e.g. a student starts at a new school, a classmate is in hospital.
  • Interview a friend asking them questions about their family, hobbies, favourite things, future aspirations etc.
Related Ziptales Activities:

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