Theme: Rules and Responsibilities

This unit is all about how to cope with social and family conventions - good (and bad) behaviour, obedience, sharing with siblings, being responsible for one’s actions, being honest and loyal, curbing excess, and more.

It is vital for teachers to understand the Ziptales 10 stage Reading Scheme, which governs how reading groups can be formed in a way which matches children’s abilities to the appropriate texts. To check on this essential resource - click here.

The 10 Zip Stages cover all levels of reading ability, from Foundation/Prep/Kindergarten through to Year 6. This scheme underpins the whole Themes module.

Learning Components

Focus Stories Comprehension Conventions Writing Speaking & Listening Extension
Zip Stage 1
Bad Cat
(Short Vowels
Easy Readers)
Worksheet #1:
True or False
Worksheet #2:
List some of the rules you have at your house. Role play the story then role play your own story where Max is being good. Draw some ways you show respect for other people’s things.
Zip Stage 2
Charlie the Chatterbox
(Simple Digraphs
Easy Readers)
Worksheet #1:
Answering Questions
Choose 5 ‘ch’ words from the story to write in sentences. Worksheet #2:
Good Manners
In pairs, list some ‘rules’ of ‘chatting’ e.g. listen carefully, look at the person, don’t interrupt. Design a ‘good manners’ garden. Draw flowers with please, thank you, excuse me etc on them.
Zip Stage 2
Follow the Rules
(Long Vowels
Easy Readers)
Find the rules in the story that help keep you safe. How do they keep you safe? Worksheet #1:
The Magic ‘e’
Worksheet #2:
Writing Rules
In a small co-operative group, discuss road safety rules. Report back to an audience. Create banners and sing songs about road safety messages (e.g. Stop, Look, Listen).
Zip Stage 3
Little Red Riding Hood
Multiple Choice Questions & Worksheet #2:
What Order?
Worksheet #3:
Nouns and Verbs
Write some reasons why rules need to be followed. Work in pairs to complete Worksheet #1:
Missing Words
Worksheet #4:
Safety Warning
Zip Stage 3
Wendy and the Dragon
Multiple Choice Questions Worksheet & Worksheet #2: Unscramble the story Make a word family for –ight words. Imagine you found a baby dragon. How would you look after it? Co-operative Cloze: Work together to complete Worksheet #1. We have a responsibility to care for living things. Draw some different ways you can do this
Zip Stage 3
Before, I was Bad
(People Like Me
Junior Readers)
Worksheet #2:
Story Focus
Worksheet #1:
Spelling/Grammar Focus
Write an imaginative story called ‘The Day I Broke All the Rules!’ In a small group, brainstorm different consequences for breaking rules at home. Draw a bird’s eye view of your house and write the rule(s) for each room.
Zip Stage 3
Nobody Loves Me
(People Like Me
Junior Readers)
Worksheet #2:
Story Focus
Worksheet #1:
Spelling/Grammar Focus
Write a recount about a time when you had to say sorry to someone. Role play different ways you can show someone you’re sorry. Create a poem about why you should say sorry when you’ve done the wrong thing.
Zip Stage 4
(Timeless Tales)
Multiple Choice Questions & Worksheet #2:
What happens in what order?
Worksheet #1:
Which Word?
Write an argument text using the topic ‘It is important to tell the truth’. Role play situations about lying and telling the truth. Discuss the impact of each. Design a concept map using the words ‘Honesty means...’ in the middle bubble.
Zip Stage 4
The Crying in the Dark
General Worksheet #1:
Lost Property Procedure
Locate compound words in the story e.g. pg 1: anything, anyway. Explain why it is our responsibility to help others. List ways to help others at home, school and in the community. Share with an audience. General Worksheet #2:
Zip Stage 5
The Fool Fails
How is Jenny punished? Write the final chapter. Study the use of exclamation marks in the story. Recount a time when you were punished for breaking the rules. In pairs, make a list of ‘fair’ and ‘unfair’ punishments for Jenny. Design a poster about appropriate ways to cope with anger.
Zip Stage 6
Dog Poo
What caused Anna to step in dog poo? How did she try to get it off? Study different ‘oo’ sounds: e.g. as in poo and book. General Worksheet #2:
My Nightmare
Present an oral report about the responsibilities of dog owners. General Worksheet #1:
Research, Rules & Responsibilities
Zip Stage 6
General Worksheet #2:
Before and After
General Worksheet #1:
Pronoun Hunt
General Worksheet #3:
Retell the Story
Discuss in a small group, how we should behave on public transport. General Worksheet #4:
First Aid Kit
Zip Stage 6
The Frog Prince
(Fairy Tales)
Use story details to complete General Worksheet #3:
Wanted – One Wicked Witch!
General Worksheet #1:
Questions Galore!
General Worksheet #2:
Design a Comic Strip
Role-play situations where promises are kept or broken demonstrating the effects of each. Locate a quote about promises and present it in a creative way.
Zip Stage 6
The Attic
General Worksheet #3:
Meaningful Morals
General Worksheet #2:
Thesaurus Task
General Worksheet #1:
Writing Beginnings
Present an oral report about why it is important to keep promises. Research famous quotes or proverbs about the importance of keeping a promise.
Zip Stage 6
The Twelve Dancing Princesses
(Fairy Tales)
General Worksheet #1:
What’s the Word?
Explore how commas are used to include extra information in a sentence. General Worksheet #3:
Disappearing Acts
In a small group, discuss times when you broke the rules and what the consequences were. General Worksheet #2:
Let’s Dance!
Zip Stage 7
Percy & Claude
General Worksheet #1:
Word Study
Explore how adverbs have been used in the story. Write about a time when you were rewarded for following the rules. General Worksheet #2:
Getting Your Own Way
Share responses.
Plan a way to reward good behaviour at your school.
Zip Stage 7
Multiplying Mice
Summarise in your own words how the first three mice got ‘lost’. Study irregular plurals e.g. mouse/mice; child/children; foot/feet. Make a list of your responsibilities at home and at school. Partner Activity
General Worksheet #1:
Magic Formulas 1
General Worksheet #2:
Magic Formulas 2
Zip Stage 7
What are similes? Locate examples in the story on pages 3, 7 & 9. Define microbes (pg 2) and microscope (pg 8). Study the prefix ‘micro’. General Worksheet #1:
Tongue Twisters
General Worksheet #2:
Same Sound Sentences
Design a poster encouraging others to keep your school tidy.
Zip Stage 8
Simon’s Secret
General Worksheet #1:
Getting Caught
Use the title to study apostrophes of possession. Compose a narrative about a teacher with unusual classroom rules. Present an oral report about punishment used in schools in the ‘old days’. General Worksheet #2:
Interesting Inventions
Zip Stage 9
Mimi’s Gift
(People & Values
Advanced Library)
Worksheet #1:
Expand your Vocabulary
Create a list of silent ‘g’ words (e.g. foreign) and use them in interesting sentences. Write an argument text in response to the topic: ‘Our parents/carers set rules for good reasons’. In pairs, research strict rules other countries have for tourists. Worksheet #2:
The City of Light
Zip Stage 10
Computer Games
Advanced Library)
Explain why parents have a responsibility to monitor their child’s use of computer games. Worksheet #1:
Facts About Phobias
Worksheet #2:
Extension Activity 2 – Write an informative text
Worksheet #2:
Get Active!
Worksheet #2:
Extension Activity 1 – Design a board game
Zip Stage 10
Animal Rights
Advanced Library)
Use details from the text to explain who is responsible for caring for animals. Find words with suffixes added to base words e.g. active – activist, vegetable – vegetarian. Worksheet #1:
Using Emotive Language
Work in pairs to complete Worksheet #1:
Extension Activities
Worksheet #2:
Working Dogs
Zip Stage 10
Body Image
Advanced Library)
Worksheet #1:
The Language of Argument – Task 1
Explore the etymology of irregularly spelt words e.g. pageant, psychologist, paediatric. Worksheet #1:
The Language of Argument – Task 2
Share responses to Worksheet #2 with a partner/small group. Research the media’s responsibility in affecting body image in young people.
Zip Stage 10
Getting Even
Advanced Library)
Worksheet #1:
Figurative Language
How has the author used punctuation for effect? (e.g. italics, capital letters) Give examples. Worksheet #2:
Inspiring Authors
Present an oral report on someone who rejected unjust rules e.g. Malala Yousafzai, Rosa Parks. Worksheet #1:
Extension Activity – Research Faust

Assessment Ideas

  • Generate a spelling list related to the topic for students to learn using words such as: rules, safety, reward, follow, responsible, responsibility, punishment, school, discipline and important.
  • Use the Word Work and Spelling and Vocabulary Worksheets for the Reading Library stories to improve students’ spelling skills.
  • Write each list word in sentences using different end punctuation (full stop, question mark and exclamation mark).
  • Select a passage from one of the on-line stories as dictation assessing punctuation knowledge.
  • Complete the Fill the Gaps and Multiple Choice questions at the end of the story (available for the Junior Readers, Reading Library and Advanced Library genre stories).
  • Use the Learning Support Worksheets for the Reading Library stories to practise a range of reading skills.
  • Retell one of the on-line stories as a comic strip.
  • Write a detailed description of one of the characters from the on-line stories.
  • Write about the coda (lesson to be learned) from one or more of the on-line stories
  • Write narratives using the following topics:
    My School, My Rules!
    The Land with No Rules
    The Day I Lost My Baby Sister
  • You are responsible for a putting on a circus performance; design a program outlining each spectacular event.
  • Write a letter to your teacher requesting responsibility for one of the classroom duties stating reasons why you would perform your role well.
  • Write a play script about a child who learns a serious lesson when he/she did not follow the rules OR rewrite one of the on-line stories as a play script.
Oral Language
  • Present short oral speeches to younger classes promoting the importance of following the school rules.
  • Conduct a school fundraising activity day where each member of class takes a role for which they are responsible. Discuss the success of the day after students complete a self-evaluation about their oral communication skills stemming from their role of responsibility.
  • Invite a guest speaker who is employed in a job with a high level of responsibility (such as a doctor, nurse, paramedic, police officer) to speak to the class. Students formulate relevant questions to ask the guest speaker.
Related Ziptales Activities:

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