Theme: Safety

This unit deals with how to keep safe - at the playground, in the kitchen, in the pool, climbing trees, on the road, and more.

It is vital for teachers to understand the Ziptales 10 stage Reading Scheme, which governs how reading groups can be formed in a way which matches children’s abilities to the appropriate texts. To check on this essential resource - click here.

The 10 Zip Stages cover all levels of reading ability, from Foundation/Prep/Kindergarten through to Year 6. This scheme underpins the whole Themes module.

Learning Components

Focus Stories Comprehension Conventions Writing Speaking & Listening Extension
Zip Stage 1
At the Playground
(Consonant Blends
Easy Readers)
Why was the child telling the story scared of the playground equipment? Worksheet #2:
Compound Words
List or draw your favourite things to do at the playground. Work in pairs to complete Worksheet #1:
Rhyming Words
Design a poster about a playground safety (e.g. Be careful near swings if they are being used).
Zip Stage 1
Shower Fun
(Simple Digraphs
Easy Readers)
Which two parts of the story remind us about staying safe in the shower? Worksheet #2:
Action words
Write some reasons why water on the floor can be very dangerous. Work in pairs to complete Worksheet #1:
Rhyming Words
Draw a concept map about places where we might find boiling hot water (e.g. kettle).
Zip Stage 2
Follow the Rules
(Long Vowels
Easy Readers)
Find the rules in the story that help keep you safe. How do they keep you safe? Worksheet #1:
The Magic ‘e’
Worksheet #2:
Writing Rules
In a small co-operative group, discuss road safety rules. Report back to an audience. Create banners and sing songs about road safety messages (e.g. Stop, Look, Listen).
Zip Stage 3
The Lonely Giant
(Imaginary Worlds -
Junior Readers)
Worksheet #2:
What’s the Order?
Worksheet #1:
Missing Words
Write a recount or a narrative using the title ‘Lost!’ In pairs, talk about what you can do if you get lost in a public place e.g. a shopping centre. Tommy got stuck in a tree. Draw or paint a tree and list some ways to stay safe near trees.
Zip Stage 3
The Silly Mouse
(Imaginary Worlds
Junior Readers)
Worksheet #2:
What’s the Order?
Worksheet #1:
Types of Words
Describe some of the possible dangers in your home e.g. power points, stairs, car reversing. Research some rules about keeping safe around dogs. Present them to the class. Trace your hand and write 5 ways you can keep safe in public places.
Zip Stage 3
Little Red Riding Hood
Multiple Choice Questions & Worksheet #2:
What Order?
Worksheet #3:
Nouns and Verbs
Write a letter to Little Red Riding Hood telling her not go into the woods by herself. Work in pairs to complete Worksheet #1:
Missing Words
Worksheet #4:
Safety Warning
Zip Stage 3
The Three Little Pigs
Multiple Choice Questions & Worksheet #2:
Making Choices
Worksheet #1:
Describing Characters
Worksheet #3:
A Safe Place
Create some role plays about safe and unsafe choices. Present them to an audience. Complete Worksheet #4:
A Moral Story
Zip Stage 4
Loo Blues
Predict what happened after the story finished. General Worksheet #2:
General Worksheet #1:
Story Starters
In a small group, discuss all the ways doors can be dangerous. Design an invention that would open a door that is stuck.
Zip Stage 4
Boris, Bonnie & Greedy
Use details from the story to complete General Worksheet #3:
Newspaper Article
Classify types of fires as safe (eg fireplace) or unsafe (eg bushfire). General Worksheet #1:
From the Beginning
Students demonstrate fire safety techniques such as Get down low and go, go go! & Stop, Drop & Roll. General Worksheet #2:
Sign Making
Zip Stage 5
List the lucky/unlucky things that happened to the main character. Study silent ‘b’ as in climb General Worksheet #2:
It Gets Worse
In a small group, identify safe/unsafe play areas at your school. General Worksheet #1:
View From a Tree
Zip Stage 5
There’s a Train Coming
General Worksheet #2:
Unscramble the Story
Locate examples of contractions in the story e.g. there’sthere is. Write an explanation text about how to stay safe around trains. Work in pairs to complete General Worksheet #1:
What Happened?
Design a poster about how road signs help keep us safe.
Zip Stage 6
Old Minty
Explain what Billy did to get help and help himself. General Worksheet #2:
Word Find
Write an explanation about how to treat snakebites. Demonstrate the steps of treating snakebites to the class. General Worksheet #1:
Emergency Situations
Zip Stage 6
Toffee In Trouble
General Worksheet #2:
Toffee’s Story
General Worksheet #1:
All About Adjectives
Create a brochure about pool safety. Present an oral report about a place you feel safe stating your reasons. Invent a device that all pools should have to save people in trouble.
Zip Stage 6
General Worksheet #2:
Before and After
General Worksheet #1:
Pronoun Hunt
General Worksheet #3:
Retell the Story
Discuss safe/unsafe behaviour whilst travelling in a vehicle on a roadway. General Worksheet #4:
First Aid Kit
Zip Stage 6
The Ghost Train
List in order the things Katie and Jason saw while they were on the Ghost Train ride. General Worksheet #1:
General Worksheet #2:
Writing a Recipe
Work together in a small group to complete General Worksheet #3:
Writing Rules
Design a poster about the dangers of electricity.

Assessment Ideas

  • Generate a spelling list of words that use the base word ‘safety’ e.g. safety belt, safety catch, safety net, safety pin etc.
  • Use the Word Work and Spelling and Vocabulary Worksheets for the Reading Library stories to improve students’ spelling skills.
  • Write each of the words from the spelling list in a sentence that uses an apostrophe of possession.
  • Select a passage from one of the on-line stories as dictation assessing the student’s working knowledge of grade appropriate high frequency words.
  • Complete the Fill the Gaps and Multiple Choice questions at the end of the story (available for the Junior Readers, Reading Library and Advanced Library genre stories).
  • Use the Learning Support Worksheets for the Reading Library stories to practise a range of reading skills.
  • Create a time line of events using one of the on-line stories.
  • Write true or false statements for one of the on-line stories for a partner to answer.
  • Create a comparison chart showing the similarities and differences of the main characters from one of the on-line stories.
  • Write a procedural text about a chosen safety procedure e.g. how to react in an ocean rip; how to treat a broken limb.
  • Choose one of the on-line stories to rewrite as a play script.
  • Write an exposition text about safety issues e.g. Children should wear bicycle helmets at all times when riding a bike, All pedestrian crossings should have traffic lights.
  • Design an advertisement for a new device that will assist with keeping people safe.
Oral Language
  • In pairs, identify areas around the school that require attention with regard to safety issues.
  • Invite a guest speaker to instruct the class about first aid procedures.
  • In small groups, illustrate the playground safety rules and present to a younger class in the school for display in their classroom.
Related Ziptales Activities:
  • Children in History: Runaway – Identify safety precautions when dealing with transport vehicles such as cars, bicycles and trains.

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